Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Watercolour Canvas

Third piece - Farm Theme
Zina Chmielowski © 2010
Last week I was participating in the watercolour painting on canvas workshop. It was a very interesting experience. At first when, the presenter show us her demo, I was not that keen on pursuing "long term" painting that way.
Then I decided to experiment a bit with the new surface, just to get the feel of it. And I loved it!
It has a lot of good advantages. You may also paint with acrylic on it. Use mixed media and inks.
Very exciting. One think, I am really disappointed, that in Canada a gallery style watercolour canvase are not available. Hopefully, some day...
Generally, watercolour canvas is not well know yet in the artist communities in Canada.
It's has been on the market 6 years already, but it's not popular yet.
Well, I love it...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Second Piece

Hide-and- Seat - Pond theme
Zina Chmielowski@2010
This is second piece I hand painted and decorated as a gift for a little girl.