Sunday, November 29, 2009

My First Blog

It is so difficult to start...
I have signed for this site quite a while ago and I was really terrified of composing my first blog.
English is my second language... I was born in Ukraine, former Soviet Union and lived in Poland.
I came to Toronto 27 years ago...
Although, I think that my English skills are not bad... I am still intimidated...
Well... I did it! First few sentences...
Actually, Barbara Muir is the wonderful and original artist, who has inspired me to finally make my move...
She was the speaker at the Don Valley Art Club on last Friday and I think she influenced every member that night.
Please check her blog:
Alright, talk to you later...


  1. Hi Zina,

    The internet is back on an even keel now. Thank you one million for your kind comments.

    You are sweet!

    Take care,

    (I won't be commenting after tomorrow for a little while.)
